Category Archives: Pop Culture & Society

Can We Get to Cover The War and The Presidential Campaign?

I’m totally serious. I mean, when you read a paper like say, the San Jose Mercury News, which is mostly wire service filler, a handful of articles, and the Deep Thoughts of Clint Reilly, or watch CNN and see them stumble and bumble any sort of coverage that really tells you anything, you begin to wonder if maybe these crybaby MSM folks are just not up to the job.
Meanwhile, there’s, which has an army of video cameras and associated folks on the scene. Sure they may pay off sources, but they somehow manage to get the dirt. When pop culture train wreck Britney Spears tried to fake out the press and do a bunk to Mexico, there was TMZ, catching it all on tape. It’s as if Marcellus Wallace told the TMZ crew “If Britney goes to Indochina, I want a photographer waiting in a bowl of rice ready to put a lens in her ass” or something.
Imagine if TMZ was on the campaign trail, getting the real dirt on our candidates and also going after all the shenanigans of GW’s crew. I would imagine that in about a week, we’d have a total revolution or something.
But then again, who wants to look at a bunch of politicians in compromised positions? At least some of the celebs are attractive….

The Zombie – AKA Skillz You Need to Pay the Billz

So there you are, wondering, “how can I make 2008 I a productive year” and don’t realize that the Post-Apocalyptic Workout solves so many of your problems!
Not only do you find out how best to disencourage cannibalism, you also find out the skillz you need to pay the billz in the post-apocalyptic world!
Go there now, read Nina’s wisdom, and have fun! She rocks and you will, upon reading her blog!

Oh No They DIDN’T : A Joke From Years Ago Is Now Real – Jesus’ Wine!

Why I remember this I don’t know, but back in the 1990s, a brewing company came out with a “40” of Malt Liquor that was named “Crazy Horse” (as in the Native American /Indian leader). Needless to say, more than a few Native Americans/Indians were rather pissed off to see their leader being used to sell crappy beer.
Activists made the media rounds and while this particular report doesn’t say it I remember seeing a congressional hearing where some Native American/Indian leaders, to show others why they were so pissed, made up bottles of “Jesus Christ White Wine” and “Malcolm X Malt Liquor” to give others a taste of what they’d felt when they saw Crazy Horse on sale.
Then I read the L.A. Times and saw this piece of news about a new wine from Israel.
“Grapes of Galilee” wine. With not one, but TWO pictures of the Son of God on it. It’s to be marketed to Christians or something.
It just goes to show you that no matter how crazy, ironic or “out there” a criticism can be, someday, if you’re not careful, it can REALLY happen.
I don’t know that I’d be buying wine with Jesus’ picture on it, and with an ad campaign that insinuates taht if Jesus drank wine back in the day “it came from their vines” (to paraphrase the vintner.). I’d happily buy a wine from Israel, since I’m sure there are good wines from Israel. But why drag Jesus into this? Does this mean if I buy a wine from Napa I’m supporting Satan or something?
Anyway, enjoy your weekend, and watch out for those sneaky mailers that aren’t telling the truth about the Fix MUNI proposition! Looks like that “deal” to get things done got broken by one side after all. A pity.
*Note: I used both “Native American” and “Indian” because my experience has been that people in California like to say “Native American” but whenever I’ve worked on political campaigns with indigenous peoples of North America, they almost always refer to themselves as “Indian,” and the names of many national organizations dedicated to such issues also say “Indian.” So I put in both so no one gets all mad.

californication is just so darn entertaining because….

Yeah. Wow.
I finally saw “Californication” on Showtime thanks to their free weekend hippie promo deal, and all I can say is “wow!”
Why? Simple. David Duchovny’s character, embittered writer Hank Moody, is the rock star of writers. Sure we’d all love to be super successful, have our novels butchered, but still make residuals, and oh yeah, get to have sex with hot women AND punch out guys who dis our seriously beloved, and so on, but you know.
That ain’t happening.
So “Californication” offers a window into a world that we (and by “we” I mean “dumbass guys in their late 30s who so wish they could be so fucking cool”) really enjoy. It’s a perfect companion to that tiresome, girly show “Weeds” (which induces vomiting despite its charms), and well, it’s just a wonderful show.
Oh, and one of the appeals is the circular humor and logic I’ve not seen since Peter Bagge did “Hate” and “Neat Stuff” back in the day. They start out planting the joke, let you go around the pool a few times, and WHAM! bring it back in such a way you didn’t expect, but should have.
Just watch the show. You’ll like it. Or not. Or at least understand a little more about a guy’s guy, and realize why some of us are just glad the Alan Alda Bullsh*t 70s Sensitive Man Lies are done.
Just watch the show. Ladies, if you’re a fan, feel free to email me.

I’m Not So Insecure I Can’t Admit A Mistake Now and Then….

Recently I posted a snarky entry that suggested that a blog on the SFGate site shared “too many similarities” to one I’d posted earlier. While never using the “p-word” it was a tad harsh.
After speaking with some folks, it has been determined that it was indeed a case of “great minds thinking alike” and any suggestions otherwise that Chron TV blogger Rain Jokinen were doing anything unethical are simply incorrect.
I am not so insecure in my own writing and sense of self that I cannot admit a mistake and apologize. Too often, in our “gotcha” culture, people don’t back down when they’re mistaken. (That’s how we got stuck in Iraq, et al).
Personally I have always admired people who aren’t afraid to say “I made a mistake.” Now I am doing what I advocate for others!
Now let’s all enjoy tonight’s episode of Heroes and look forward to a week of fun and excitement!

NBC Pilots OnDemand – The SF Science Fiction of “Journeyman” and “Bionic Woman”

Despite NBC’s catfight with Apple, resulting in the removal of new NBC shows on iTunes, you can catch many of the pilots for NBC on Comcast OnDemand. Last night I had a chance to watch the Bionic Woman remake, Journeyman, and Life.
I’d mentioned Journeyman earlier here when I did a roundup of all those TV shows set in San Francisco. As an added bonus, it turns out Bionic Woman is also sort-of-set in San Francisco – at least in the opening scenes, we’re told that Jamie Sommers is a bartender in San Francsico (but like the other project David Eick co-produces, Battlestar Galactica, it is primariliy filmed in Vancouver, BC).
I won’t rehash the long chatter about why all those much ballyhooed “tax credits” the politicians promote have failed so miserably (read the old article for that little lecture) but instead just marvel how, especially in the case of Journeyman, they did a pretty impressive job of making the mix of location and L.A. shots pretty seamless.
In an article on, executive producer Kevin Falls talked about how he was “new” to doing scifi on TV and the challenges he faced as he was new to the genre.
Mr. Falls need not worry, for Journeyman is truly a good piece of science fiction. Yes, the time travel thing and whatnot is obvious, but there are other elements spotted in the pilot that make this truly a piece of science fiction:
-Our Hero is a reporter for a newspaper called The San Francisco Register and apparently makes enough to afford both a huge victorian and a fancy Mustang, which he wrecks.
-Our Hero does actual investigative pieces as a reporter for a big daily in SF about the Mayor, and apparently spends time following up with multiple sources, which delays his finished piece by a day.
-Said newspaper is full of reporters and editors in a huge office downtown, working on multiple investigative pieces and doing their own work at any moment. The editor does not beat any one up, nor does he fire most of the staff to save money. Instead he cracks the whip and makes everyone turn in their work on time, and demands they check sources. He frowns on blogs, but not in “that way.”
-In this alternate reality, MUNI buses drive fast enough on Taylor Street to knock a guy into the solar system and back. They also run an “18 Columbus” bus on Market Street for our friends in North Beach. It’s not a smelly diesel one either.
-MUNI also runs on time,all the time, and F-Market streetcars are fast enough to potentially mow down a hapless dude in 1987.
-Also, the SFPD has a huge main headquarters where Our Hero’s brother is a detective. This alternate reality has detectives using a faux Google on iPhones to solve crimes. Oh, and yeah, they really do solve a lot of crimes, and no doubt with Our Hero’s new ability, he can help brother detective solve all those murders and stuff.
-No word yet on whether this version of Earth has a San Francisco D.A. that fights crime effectively, but the writers and producers have to be careful. If they pile up too many unbelieveable premises all at once, the “suspension of disbelief” starts to falter.
And so on. You get the idea. Go watch it and see what you think!
PS: The Bionic Woman is not without its own scifi:
– nanotechnology to make people super strong? – believable, sorta
– a shadowy government agency that’s trying to create supersoliders? – sure, why not
– bartenders in San Francisco who can afford huge flats for themselves and their younger sister, apparently sans rent control? – now that is science fiction!

Lighting a Lighter Because Apple ROCKS: New iPods!

You have to hand it to Apple, Inc.: just when you start to wonder if there’s anyone left around who actually does something for a living other than ad sales, financial derivatives ,or say, laundry, good old Apple makes a product really well, then keeps making it better. Today’s new iPods are an example of that.
While I always liked the iPhone conceptually, I did not want to gget one because a) it cost a fortune and more importantly, b) getting one would mean having to switch from my favored cellphone company, T-Mobile, and switch to the Soviet-like stagnation and bureaucracy of AT&T, which sucks. So I figured I was out of luck.
It wasn’t so much that the phone part was any different than my current Nokia, but rather that for many of the tasks I have when I’m out and about (checking email, approving comments, and getting NextMUNI info), the iPhone was almost as good as lugging around my beloved G4 Powerbook. But that AT&T thing killed the deal.
Enter the newest iPod, with all the great features of the iPhone I wanted – just no phone itself. It’s a little cheaper, can hold more music, files and videos, and best of all, gives me a chance to get the cool features of the iPhone while at the same time giving the finger to the toads at AT&T. No ongoing “fees” or “contracts” – I can keep my awesome rate plan with T-Mobile.
Sure I’ll be the nerd with two gadgets in his pocket but so what? I can get the product I want and not get strangled by AT&T’s fees. Apple, THANK YOU!

Reason #3,572,893 Why Newspapers (And the LA Times) Suck

Watching the completely stupid management decisions of Big Media (and for that matter Little Media) in the mainstream is kind of like watching a trainwreck in progress, with clowns. It’s really painful to watch, and the blood and tears make it a horrible thing to watch, but the clowns make it kind of funny, because, well, they’re clowns.

OK, bad analogy. But hey, clowns.

Anyway, once again we see why the LA Times, once a great paper that consistently informed I, the reader, in ways the Chronicle is completely unaware of, is starting to circle down the drain. In this case, in their desperate attempt to get me to go to the Macy’s Labor Day Sale, they had these kewl ads programmed with mad Flash skillz.

The problem? You can’t click them closed and they completely obscure the article I was trying to read. In other words, the entire point of me being on the site in the first place is gone – I’m just suppose to click on the ads and forget about reading anything in the LA Times entirely.

You realy have to hand it to the idiots in charge of these publications. To “save money” they fire off most of their staffs – funny because in a knowledge economy such as the news, you might want to have people on board who know about the subjects their writing about.

Then they start realizing “gawrsh, there’s that thar series of tubes” out there, 15 years too late, and come up with bigger and dumber ideas for “online,” when of course, they’re not blaming The Series of Tubes for everything bad known to man (read any front page of the San Francisco Chronicles to read the silly bleatings of what is left of their staff on almost any issue).

Then they wonder why it is people don’t pay 50 cents or more a day for a “newspaper” filled mostly with wire service copy, partsian politics posing as “local news,” dull, witless and endless “commentary” from people who restate the obvious, and on and on. “Alternative” papers don’t fare much better – they’re doing the same boneheaded things the mainstream does, just nastier.

And of course, we could power the entire Solar System on the perpetual whining of journalists, who bitch and moan about how “the tubes” are responisble for all their woes – but never once take a look at the fact that Big Corporatisation of the workplace affects most industries too, and who of course can’t be bothered to learn any new skills – or oh I dunno report some news. Maybe lookup that whole “colluding with the government on the Iraq war thing” and the whole “suck up to the powerful all the time” thing too.

If there was an actual newspaper that reported news in the Bay Area, and one that wasn’t wedded to self interest or special interests, I’d happily pay for it, and I’d be willing to pay more than what most papers charge now. When one comes around, can someone let me know?
Since it will be sometime around the Apocalypse, I’m sure you’ll be wanting to get in touch anyway. KTHXBAI.

We Interrupt This Blog For A Special Announcement: BSG: Razor Trailer!

I just saw this while enduring SCIFI Channel’s dull “Eureka”…but it was worth it….this BSG movie will be out on DVD and on the SCIFI channel in fall 2007….should be good.
Now that you’ve seen the trailer, why not buy an Adama for President T Shirt and be the coolest person on the beach this summer!

Save Net Radio Benefit This Weekend!

I’ve been remiss in not getting the word out to folks as best I can about the looming destruction of Internet radio that’s coming fairly soon, and how they can help try and forestall the Forces of Doom. Which is rather stupid , on my part, since I am an avid listener of SOMA FM. In fact, thanks to SOMA FM, I’ve ended up buying more music than I would if there was no SOMA FM. Plus, their “Groove Salad” channel is great for background music when I’m on a writing deadline.
There is a Save Internet Radio event coming up on Sunday that you should check out. Also, oddly enough, there is an unusually informative piece in the SF Weekly that explains much of what’s going on, and its impact on Internet stations here in town.
This was a surprise, since this is the first time in a years I can remember reading something that I didn’t already know in said publication. But I digress.
My biggest objection to how all of this is going down is that once again we see the big entertainment companies and the RIAA decide that the only way to be successful in business is to go to war with the customer, and use Congress and their ilk to write bogus laws that reinforce this war. Then they wonder why it is people are running away in droves from their dull offerings and towards all things Internets. Duh!