Tag Archives: dailyshow

Celebrate the Demolition Derby Primary In PA With A VIVA ADAMA Poster!

When I’m not doing actual work, or updating my popular blog, or this blog, I’ve been slowly working on a few new sites, because, well you just can’t have too many friends, or too many blogs.
One of my side blogs is the Adama for President blog, which features t-shirts, bumper stickers, and now, posters spoofing the Obama ’08 logo and celebrating all things Battlestar Galactica.
Today, I am releasing the first in a series of posters, modeled after the awesome “Viva Colbert” posters from a while back. A window-sized poster is coming out later today, and a larger one as well. For now, though we have the 23″ x 35″ poster for sale, and it is pretty awesome. Be the coolest kid on the block and order yours today. Or, order a stack and plaster the Mission with ’em.

Hey! My Friend Was on “The Daily Show!”

Thanks to The Internets, I was able to see my good friend Jim Spencer of The Campaign Network on the Daily Show, even though I don’t presently have cable.
Jim’s a great guy and one of the best political consultants in the country, and has run some pretty amazing campaigns over the years. I worked with him when we both worked at The Big Company I Can’t Name, and later in 2003, I spent a summer working for his firm in Boston which was quite fun. Here you can see the view from the company’s offices in Boston.
And, thanks to Comedy Central, you can see the video, and learn a little about direct mail! Check it out! (link fixed…)