Monthly Archives: October 2011

Why I Like #OccupySF but Don’t Like the Symbolic Resolution A Certain Candidate for Mayor Proposes

I’ve made no secret in the past that I am a true “law and order” kind of guy, in that I believe both the state and the people need to abide by rules, created by the people, and enforced by the state, to ensure than tyranny by the mob does not rule.
That said, I don’t disagree with most of what the #occupysf folks are out there for. Even as a capitalist who technically should be on the side of those shi*tty big banks who bankrupted the world economy, I cannot abide by them. That is because at heart, I am a true capitalist, and I think those who manipulate government to allow for so-called “investments” that would not meet the standards of the shadiest Las Vegas Casino, much less what the SEC should allow, need to seriously STFU. Also, those shithead “banks” are fucking over real capitalists and have shit interest rates. So, yes, the #occupysf movement is making a point, and if it means some days in the park, whatever.
Today, however I talk about talk vs. action. In San Francisco we have a member of our Board of Supervisors (A county legislator for the rest of you outside our fair City and County, a unique blend of government in California), who is trying to ride the #occupy movemenet to City Hall as Mayor. That is his right, of course, but what I find offensive is the use of the most impotent weapon out there: the Non Binding Resolution.
What this means to you, the #occupy supporter in San Francsico, and to the millions of you outside of San Francisco who are ticked off at income inequality and at a political system that makes money #1 and the people #230002893203020320302 is that despite all the heat and light discussed tomorrow, at the Board of Supervisors meeting is that, no matter what, not a goddamned thing will change.
Yes, you’ll have a nice piece of paper with the City’s name on it supporting La Causa. A failed candidate for Mayor will have something to slap on some cheap dead tree in the last 7 days of the race. The Temp Mayor, who is truly the mayor of the 1% will have to either go nuclear in his response or save it for November 9th, post election. In the end, the “politics of feelings” will have won and a chance at stopping the localized version of corruption will be swept away, a la Oakland last week.
There is another option.
That option is to tell all the self-serving politicians who show up and talk liberal platitiudes at #occupysf and tell them to fuck the Hell off unless they do the following:
-They renounce Ed Lee, a puppet of the corporations who is doing what he is told and is well paid to do so
-They renounce things like a billionaire yacht race that gives away the City to the Billionaire 1% while they pay not a dime, all in the promise of “trickle down economics”
-They stop giving billionaires like Sean Parker tax breaks, while small businesses in our neighborhoods shutter because they can’t make payroll.
-They stop supporting a plan that kills public transit for the pathetic needs of a few so-called “non profits” and steers money away from the N-Judah, the 5-Fulton, the 38-Geary, the L-Taraval, the M-Ocean View and more.
It’s up to you #OccupySF and up to you, Liberal San Francisco. Don’t be bullshitted by dead tree mail or empty actions. It’s the votes that count and if after 10+ years of So-Called Progressives running the legislative branch of City government you can’t stop it?
It’s time to admit you lose.
And you and John Avalos can take your “symbolic resolution” to the nearest impotence clinic, as that is the best it will be.

Approve of Occupy Oakland? Don’t Approve? Either Way, Jean Quan F*cked Up

Whether you support Occupy Oakland or if you think they should not be at Ogawa Plaza at night, there’s one thing everyone can agree on: “Mayor” Jean Quan is a complete f*ck up. Her lack of leadership, lack of accountability, and past failures regarding public safety came to a head and the result is that now people worldwide know just how much Oakland sucks.
Listening to Jean Quan’s babbling at the press conference, it was clear she was in way over her head, and resorted to invoking Bil Keane’s “Not Me” as often as she could. Apparently Ms. Quan (the same “Mayor” who can’t be bothered to maintain her home) had plenty of excuses, but never once said “the buck stops here” the way a real leader would.
Quan has never had a strong record on public safety to begin with, firing lots of Oakland police officers (only to have to re hire many once the crime rate soared) and the epidemic of violence plaguing the city, particularly African American citizens, has never been a priority for Quan to begin with. Heck one of her top advisors is a pro-criminal attorney (who, in an ironic twist, will represent protestors from Occupy Oakland).
Now, she’s found a new way to piss off everyone. For those who wanted the protestors out of the plaza at night, as per “the rules” she has failed miserably. The heavy handed response (which included critical wounding of an Iraq war vet) was way out of proportion, and inflamed the situation. Now, we have more people in the park, tensions are higher, and in response, last night Quan decided to let the protestors stay.
In other words, she was for beating them down before being against it. One day it’s a threat to the Republic if the protestors stay past 10pm, the next it’s peachy keen. What the f*ck? No matter which side you’re on, we can all agree that this isn’t how to run a city.
Quan’s non-management had an impact far beyond Oakland, however. Any plans by the SFPD to clear out the encampment at Justin Herman Plaza went out the window, because the last thing Temporary Mayor Lee’s political advisors were going to do was allow him to pour more gas on Quan’s flames. More importatnly, the images of Oakland went worldwide, and today we have people marching all over the world, protesting Quan’s incomptence and mishandling of a delicate situation.
Finally, a word about the ranked choice system that gave us Jean Quan in the Mayor’s office: it sucks. She never had much support, her election was due to a flawed system, and now, thanks to that, we have a so-called “mayor” who isn’t up to the job, and has no support.
One wonders what will happen on Election Day in SF as voters are subjected to this bullshit system and who might end up as Mayor. No matter what happens in November, I predict we in SF will show once again why we’re better than Oakland, and send RCV to the dustbin of history so we avoid the potential of a Jean Quan in office here at home.
UPDATE: Now Ms. Quan has completely capitulated to OccupyOakland. So basically all the violence and cracking veteran’s skulls were totally unecessary. She’s now pissed off everyone at City Hall and everyone at OccupyOakland because, well, she has no idea what the f*ck she’s doing. Time to resign, Jean, you’re just not up to the job.
Also, if you’d like to help out Scott Olsen, the vet critically injured by Quan’s indecisive “leadership, here’s a link to some resources so you can get involved.

Campaign 2011: Vote NO on LEE

we3n.pngSo far this election season has been one of the most depressing ones we’ve had in a while. At a time when San Franciscans have a chance to change our City and make things better, we’ve seen the full force of political corruption joining with corporate/plutocrat funded media to rig this election as much as possible.
It’s bad enough that Temporary Mayor Ed Lee has proven to be a liar, and to be a corrupt, arrogant “business as usual” politician, but it’s worse when we see the lamestream media pimp a candidate like the Chronicle and the Bay Citizen, to name a few, have this year. The print journalism people wonder why it is that they’re going the way of the dinosaur – perhaps their corruption is just too much for readers to take.
As for the charity-funded “media” – their days are numbered when the wealthy find a new fad to invest in, but in the meantime have provided some of the most biased news in town, so bad it would make even the political pamphlet known as the Bay Guardian blush
However, thanks to the bullshit voting system known as Ranked Choice Voting (or whatever the f*ck it’s called now), things get even blurrier. Because one has to vote for three candidates, you can bet that many people will end up putting St. Ed Lee on their ballot somewhere. This will do more to help him than anything else, because under ranked choice voting, if you put the front runner ANYWHERE on your ballot, you’re more likely to help them, even if they aren’t your first choice.
Yes, that’s right. I am hoping we abolish this system after this election and send it back to the east coast lefties who sold us this snake oil, and we can go back to honest elections.
In the meantime there is one solution to the corruption at City Hall – vote for ANYONE but ED LEE. Vote for whomever you want, but for the love of God and City, don’t put this thug’s name anywhere on your ballot.
If you’re wondering who to vote for, three reformers come to mind: Public Defender Jeff Adachi, an effective administrator, author, businessman and filmmaker, City Attorney Dennis Herrera, an effective reformer who fought for gay marriage and is against the Central Subway to Hell, and Assessor Phil Ting, who’s trying to run a campaign not based on lies, but instead asking voters to help create solutions at City Hall.
These are just a few, but whatever you do, vote for ANYONE BUT ED LEE. We can’t afford another four years of corruption and lies and Willie Clown Brown and his minions.
Artwork created by Eric of Baghdad By the Bay.