Obama-mania Comes to the Bay Area!

This weekend was a big one for Barack Obama supporters in the Bay Area. Over 10,000 people jammed downtown Oakland to get a chance to see Sen. Obama in person, on St. Patrick’s Day, no less. You can see some great photos of the rally at the campaign website, and on Flickr.
On Sunday, the Chronicle featured this front page story about a viral video in support of Sen. Obama (but not created by the campaign itself) that has been spreading across the Internet. It is pretty funny, a spoof of the old Apple Computer “1984” ad and Sen. Hillary Clinton’s recent speeches. Check it out here!

And, we’re now selling our take on the whole Campaign 2008 story…with this new shirt celebrating our preferred candidate for president, Admiral Bill Adama, whose heroics on New Caprica were like, really cool, ok?

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