Tag Archives: njudah

Why Barack Obama’s Campaign Rocks: The 12th CD Campaign Is Having Their Party at the Blackthorn!

So here I am, finishing off the Obama/Clinton debate, and I get this email from the good folks volunteering for Barack Obama in the 12th Congressional District (SF/San Mateo). It seems our good citizens working for Sen. Obama in SF are having a primary watch party just a few blocks from my house…at the Blackthorn Tavern!
Loyal readers of my way, way, way more popular blog The N Judah Chronicles know that this is my favorite bar in the Inner Sunset. I’ve been known to attend pub trivia here (which rocks), and overall it’s one of the friendliest and most fun places to hang out here. Since the new owners took over in June of 2007 they’ve really made this place a great place to hang out. Why go all the way into SoMA or Downtown when you can have a fun time out here? At least that’s what I think.
And now the Obama folks are having an event there. Smart. Very smart. Once again, the Obama folks are where the people are, and know how to bring folks in. If you’re going to have a vote watch party, why not have it at one of the best places in the Inner Sunset?
Then again, any time is a good time at the Blackthorn anyway, and this just adds to the fun. See you on Tuesday!

Obama Speaks At The Women’s Building in SF – Quick Quick Quick Hit

Since I don’t have my trusty Mac with me, and am using the infamous San Francisco Public Library’s free computers, I can only do a quick post, sans photos. It was an interesting press event, with Sen. Obama talking to women about the challenges of making a living in the Bay Area, and some proposals he’s come out with to try and mitigate the cost of living for people who work.
This was probably the only time I’ve ever heard a politician call BS on “tax breaks” as a primary means of providing relief to those who work, since many times they can’t use the deductions on their taxes due to their income, while high income people can take the break. Sen. Obama suggested a break on payroll taxes for those who work (but don’t make a zillion dollars) as a start. Not bad.
It was kind of interesting to see the media swarm (pics to be posted) which packed the crowded room at the Women’s Building in the Mission. It was crowded, hot and yet there we all were, waiting for the Senator and taking pictures and notes at a furious pace. With only 19 days until the Mega Super Duper Big Primary to End All Primaries in A Whopping 20 states, it’s difficult for any campaign, big or small, to reach all voters in all places, so it was kinda nice to see at Presidential candidate speaking in San Francisco, in the Mission, no less.
Luke Thomas took some excellent photos (as always because he’s so talented) and they’re so much better than mine, you should just go to his site and check ’em out.
More later…the clock is ticking on my time here at the SFPL, and I have to update my other blog, as we have Yet Another Tragedy on the N-Judah line.
This, the day after we read that more MUNI money is being siphoned off to pay more salaries in the Mayor’s office, and a month after we heard that they gave the boss at MUNI a big pay raise. And all of this after we voted for a measure that was supposed to start MUNI reform – and immediately after the vote we get a string of accidents and deaths.
All I can say is…WTF?
PS: I had no idea that the “blogger lounge” at Macworld sponsored by Microsoft had free actual computers one could use (when I was here the other day I gave the lounge a quick scan and it looked like you had to bring a computer). Needless to say I wish I’d discovered this a few hours ago, and avoided the glares of the angry pervs who had to wait for their porn whilst I blogged about Sen. Obama…..