Monthly Archives: August 2008

The City’s Voting Machines STILL Uncertified? Yes We Can!

One of the bigger lies that was told during the campaign to force IRV/RCV/WTF down everyone’s throats was that the system would “save money,” because it would mean no runoff election.
Well, once again, that absurd little promise is proving once again to be false. Last year we had to hand count and re-do people’s ballots for them, all by hand, because of problems with our voting systems. Now, the ugly little problem no one wants to talk about rears its head again, as it’s been revealed NONE of the City’s voting machines are certified for use. Yes, really.
There’s a hearing, of course, but it is scheduled 6 weeks before the election. There is a good chance that the vendor in question might not make the cut – meaning that in an election with a huge turnout, a ton of things on the ballot, and yes, IRV/RCV/WTF, we will be hand counting at tremendous expense, for weeks.
Last year we saw the specter of IRV/RCV/WTF advocates actually attacking Secretary of State Bowen for doing her job to maintain the integrity of the election system – because they wanted to defend their ideological vies, voter rights be damned. Look for a repeat performance this year.
IRV/RCV/WTF’s many promises have mostly been proven false as the system has been implemented. Campaigns are NOT nicer, the top vote getter on Election night wins anyway, incumbents are ensured re-election (thus essentially giving all elected officials 8 year terms) and the crowded podium at debates and in news coverage ensures that the discussion of complex city policy is reduced to 15 and 30 second soundbites at endless “debates” that tell you nothing about what these people plan to do. That is, when we even bother to have people run against each other.

Random Late Night Thoughts About Democratic Conventions….

I ended up going outdoors now that the weather’s so nice so I’m watching Bill Clinton’s speech at the DNC’s Video Player page right now. Much has been made of Obama’s meteoric rise – from being unable to get a floor pass in 2000, to the keynote speaker in 2004, and now the nominee.
People forget, though, that Bill Clinton faced similar problems. When he made his big debut 20 years ago, his nominating speech for Gov. Mike Dukakis was considered a disaster – going on and on until finally he got the most applause for the words “In conclusion…” . He was smart enough to go on Johnny Carson to make fun of himself a little to contain the damage – but when he ran for President, most regarded him as a second-string candidate, who at best might be a Vice Presidential candidate. Surely this governor of a small state (LA County has a bigger population than Arkansas, as does King County Washington, and many other counties much less states!) didn’t have the experience to be President, they all said.
And yet, he beat Bush the First, and for the most part, things turned out OK. It wasn’t all perfect, to be sure, and he made mistakes, but from my experience, if one does not walk on water or turn water into wine, they are bound to make mistakes from time to time. However, bungling foreign and domestic policy the way Bush has earned him the title of Failwhale in Chief, and we’re going to pay the price for some time.
The point? Simply this – all the punditry and politicking and whatnot in the world really can’t predict what will or will not happen if a candidate is elected. People freaked at Clinton winning, but the apocalypse didn’t happen. Bush was the MBA President, and well….the rest is history.
Watching Clinton tonight reminded me of the one thing he’s always been able to do well – break down a campaign and explain what issues are at stake in an election, as he sees it, and do so in a way that’s easy to understand.
I will never forget seeing one of his last campaign speeches as President in Seattle with Blair Butterworth (veteran political strategist of the Northwest and one of the smartest people I know) and friends, and after all the bullsquat the Bush/Gore campaign was, break it all down and get people fired up one last time. You could tell all he really wanted to do is have 5 minutes one on one with W to give him the ass kicking he needed to keep his hands off the button. I’m sure he could have done it, but well….the rest is history.

Posting to Go Light This Fall Due To Work + A Cool GOTV Video!

One of the disadvantages of having so many blogs, including the Best Local Blog, The N Judah Chronicles (sorry I can’t help it, I never win stuff like that and it is kinda cool), the Adama For President site, and various other online things I’m always experimenting with, is that they take a lot of time to keep up. And I also have to pay the bills with real work too (unless like, a ton of people are willing to buy my shirts and stickers, stat).
In addition to the work I do for a local media and software company, this week I will officially begin work for a local campaign, the No on H campaign. As such I won’t have the time to keep up everything the way I’d want, so this site will go on hiatus while I work on the campaign.
I want to thank one of the spokesfolk for the Yes on H campaign, who called me a Nazi online, repeatedly, when I raised some questions about the so-called Clean Energy Campaign. Thanks to you, dude, I am now working on the campaign and can pay all my bills! Yay!
The N Judah Chronicles will continue, because I like it and people read it. Besides, it’s the best local blog in the Bay Area according to readers of the Bay Guardian. I can’t quit now!
That’s all for now. Oh and before I forget, I had the pleasure of meeting Hooman Khalili from Alice 97.3 and he’s got a really cool video on YouTube about why it’s important for young people to vote. I urge you all to check it out, because it’s a short, nonpartisan, high impact ad. Click here to watch it now!

David Chiu Rides A Bike

I was walking to one of my neglected WiFI haunts, Golden Gate Perk, and saw candidate David Chiu at the stoplight at Post and Kearny (and yes, he was observing the rules of the road and not running the stoplight).

Brave guy to be riding around there – the traffic is intense.

Chris Daly Can’t Even Renew His Own Domain!

Supervisor Daly was so busy becoming the Maximum Leader of SF’s left, bullying votes and the like at the local Democratic Party, and making 16 year old girls cry at public hearings, he managed to forget to renew his own domain!

Wow. And this guy wants to be Board President and run the electric system? Eeeeyah.